Sports Factsheets
In the following area you will be able to look at the finding our National Research Survey and find out information on what this tells us about specific sports
Sports Profile
In the following area you will find participation profiles for each individual sport. These have two pages, one for current participation and one for future participation. Please be aware that some did not have enough information to be robust so should be treated with caution. There is a warning notice where this is the case. Find the sport in the table below, click on the name and you will download the profile
UK Deaf Sport have also used the same information to create Regional Sports Profiles. These provide information on what are the most popular sports in the 9 English regions. These alo provide information on current and future participation.
North East | West Midlands | London |
North West | East Midlands | South East |
Yorkshire & Humberside | Eastern England | South West |
The data also provided information for Scotland and Wales but not Northern Ireland.