All competition entries for World Deaf Championships, European Deaf Championships, Deaflympics, and Deaf Champions League must be authorised and submitted by UK Deaf Sport.
UK Deaf Sport is responsible for ensuring all deaf athletes and teams representing Great Britain or the Home Nations at international deaf sporting competitions, comply with the relevant International Federation Regulations, Audiogram Regulations, Anti-Doping, and our own sporting governance process.
UK Deaf Sport are full members of both the International Committee of Sport for the Deaf (ICSD) and the European Deaf Sport Organization (EDSO)
International Deaf Sporting Events
Full details of World Deaf Championships, European Deaf Championships and Deaflympics can be found here.
National Deaf Governing Bodies
The National Deaf Governing Body (NDGB) for sport is responsible for the decision to enter an international competition, the management of the athletes and support staff, and submitting entry forms and policies to UK Deaf Sport for authorisation and submission by the deadline.
All National Deaf Governing Bodies must be members of UK Deaf Sport to enable their competition entry to be submitted.
See membership categories here.
Contact Details for National Deaf Governing Bodies
Details of the deaf governing bodies can be found here.
ICSD Athlete Number
All deaf athletes must have an ICSD Athlete Number to compete in international deaf sporting competitions.
This proves athletes meet the ICSD Audiogram Regulations with a hearing loss of at least 55dB pure tone average (PTA) in the better ear. An athlete cannot participate in a competition without an ICSD number.
Details on how to gain an ICSD Athlete Number, or to check the UK database here.
Anti Doping
UK Deaf Sport is committed to a culture of clean sport across all deaf sport.
It is the individual athlete’s sole responsibility to ensure compliance with all Anti-Doping policies and procedures.
For full details or UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) process and information available here
Entry Process and Deadlines for Deaf Sporting Competitions
UK Deaf Sport receives competition information and forms from the relevant Deaf Sporting Federation.
All entry forms are shared with the relevant National Deaf Governing Body where there is one.
Deaf Sports are required to meet the UKDS Deadline for event authorisation. UKDS submit forms and information to the relevant Def Sport Federation.
Generally, there are three stages of competition entry:
Entry Stage
International Federation Deadline
UKDS Deadline
Preliminary Entry
2 years to event
2 weeks before
Final Registration
1 year to event
2 weeks before
Final Athlete Registration
1 months to event
1 month before
Dates and entry timeframe may vary by individual or team sport, international federation, or discipline.
UK Deaf Sport will share entry schedule and deadline with the deaf sport lead contact.
Failure to submit to the UKDS Deadline may result in non-attendance at the competition.
International Deaf Competition Responsibilities
National Deaf Governing Bodies are responsible for:
- Decision to attend the competition.
- Athlete selection, recruitment, and management.
- Fundraising and payment of all costs to attend competition including travel, participation fees, accommodation, training, kit, and penalty fees following event.
- Policies and procedures such as selection policy, athlete code of conduct, governance, safeguarding, DBS checks, coaching qualifications, and other relevant policies.
- Complete underage athlete forms as required by International Federation.
- Insurance.
- Risk assessments.
- Kit.
- Accommodation and travel bookings made in agreement with the Organising Committee for each competition.
- Completing and submitting competition entry forms on time and to UKDS deadlines.
UK Deaf Sport will:
- Share all competition information and forms with the relevant NDGB.
- Process Athlete ICSD Audiograms with support from our Consultant Audiologist.
- Provide ongoing support to NDGBs through meetings, emails calls and texts.
- Offer training to members.
- Issuing participation invoices.
- Submit entry forms to federation deadlines complete and on time.
- Promote team success on website and social media platforms.
Entry to the Winter or Summer Deaflympics would follow a similar process but is led by the Deaflympics GB Team and UK Deaf Sport.
International Tournament Entry Process and Timeline
Download the International Tournament Entry Process and Timeline here.
Supporting Documents & Information
Risk Assessment Template (BSL translation available)
Policy Templates to follow.
- EDSO Technical Regulations