UK Deaf Sport is currently recruiting deaf young people aged 13-18 to take part in a discussion group about sports volunteering

UK Deaf Sport is currently recruiting deaf young people aged 13-18 to take part in a discussion group about sports volunteering on Wednesday 7th June, 5.30pm-6.45pm.

The group is part of a research project to learn more about what gets in the way for deaf young people who want to volunteer in sport, and what can help more deaf young people get and stay involved. The research is being funded by British Blind Sport but includes young people with other impairments. 

The group will last for approximately an hour and 15 minutes with a break in the middle. There will be 6-8 young people in the group, as well as their parents if they need support. 

Each young person will receive a £25 shopping voucher after the group as a thank you for taking part.

If you would like to get involved, please contact

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