BSL translations
At the time of writing, I have been in the post as CEO of UK Deaf Sport (UKDS) for a whole 8 days! It’s been a whirlwind thus far and we have lots of exciting things happening here at UKDS which I look forward to sharing as they come to fruition over the following weeks and months. I wanted to take the opportunity in my first post – one of many to come – to provide an update on some key things happening here at UK Deaf Sport over the next month.
We will very shortly be recruiting for four new posts using our Sport England System Partner funding that has been granted for 5 years. These posts are a Partnerships Manager, Business Development Manager, Governance and Insight Manager and a Marketing and Communications Officer. Please keep an eye on our website and social media if you are interested in applying for any of these.
We have been reviewing the Terms of Reference for all of our Advisory Groups that work alongside the UKDS Board. We will shortly be releasing the details of our two new Members and new Chair of the Relations Advisory Group. We are also currently reviewing the Athlete Advisory Group and are consulting members on a new Terms of Reference to invigorate the group moving forward in the run up to the next Deaflympics and other events.
I want to thank Gordon Hay and Toby Burton for attending the 49th International Committee of Sports for the Deaf (ICSD) Congress in Vienna, Austria on the 9th and 10th September 2022. I look forward to sharing their feedback from that meeting.
Over the coming weeks we will be consulting with Members and wider partners on a UKDS Strategy refresh and our Membership Programme and what they look like moving forward. Also, we will be getting in some support to draft a new Business Development Strategy to raise funding to help us realise our vision and mission and a Marketing and Communications Strategy to ensure we are communicating effectively. Please keep an eye out for these requests for support on our social media platforms.
I am looking forward to meeting with many more of our key partners over the coming weeks and always interested in your views on how we can take things forward here at UKDS so please feel free to contact me if I haven’t got round to meeting you yet!
September 2022