Greg joined UK Deaf Sport in January 2025 on the back of a lifetime of participation and volunteering in sport and community development, plus over 20 years of leadership across clubs, charities, schools, and national governing bodies. His grounding in governance began as Chair of a community playgroup, as Chair of a connected community centre, and as Chair of Governors, Safer Recruitment Governor and Finance Governor of primary school that co-founded of local Cluster Governance. This fed into a professional life in which he has led on everything from shaping business processes around occupational health and safety for the manufacture of sporting goods to developing operating procedures for delivery of adventure sport activities such as via ferrata, abseiling, caving and gorge walking. As an enthusiast, a coach, and an administrator, he also brings familiarity with wide range of sports, from sailing, mountaineering, swimming to badminton, tennis and gymnastics. Since 2012, he has been more prominently associated with leadership and governance in paddlesports, up to and including as a Non-Executive Director of Paddle UK.